

New Look

Out with the old and in with the new! I decided it was time for a little bloggy face lift. I've been wanting a new design for my blog for quite a while and had been thinking about paying someone to design it for me. But being the crafty DIY girl that I am, I decided to give it a go myself.

I'm definitely a photoshop amateur so this was a big undertaking for me. I spent a lot of time googling every aspect of the design and installation process, so you can imagine how long that took! I'm not 100% satisfied yet, as there are quite a few flaws (Does anyone know how to smooth those pixelated stroke lines?) and missing elements. I plan on adding a button and making custom sidebar headers, but a girl can only do so much in one day!

So my lovelies, what do you think of my new look? Do you like this one better? Have any suggestions or ideas? I'd love to hear what you think!