
Lots and Lots of Sewing

With only two weeks left, we're down to the wire with craft show preparations. I feel like I have been doing nothing but sewing for the past few months. I'm sure my husband and kids will be so relieved when the show is over so I can become and active participant in our family again.

I have lots of new things to offer in the show, which will be added to my shop after the holidays. Along with my typical card wallets, coffee cozies and sanitizer key chains (my three best sellers) I started making wristlets, zippered pouches, purses and camera straps. Oh my! Yes I've been busy!

As promised here are some photos of what I've been up to:

A yummy soft, slouchy tote measuring 12 x 11.5

A gathered wristlet - this picture really does the gathers no justice. 

A linen zippered pouch with gathered detail

And my favorite yet, a nice sturdy, stylish camera strap. 

Just to give you an idea of exactly how busy I've been, I've made about 30 card wallets, 50 coffee cozies, 30 sanitizer key chains, 20 camera straps and multiples upon multiples of everything else. I think I'm going to sleep for a week after this show is over. 

Ok, back to sewing! Hope you have a great week!

P.S. If you like what you see here, I'd love it if you'd share!


New Business Cards

Things are finally starting to come together for the craft show I'll be doing in December. I'm finally starting to feel like I'll have enough items to have a well stocked booth, but I still have a ton of sewing to do. I've figured out that I need to get in a solid three hours of sewing each day to meet my goals. Yeah, I went all organized with it and made a spread sheet and everything. I'll tell ya what though, it's been one of the best things I've done yet. It has really kept me on track with production. But I digress.

The other best thing I did? Ordering business cards instead of trying to go all DIY like I usually do. I decided to cut myself a break and ordered them from Overnight Prints. And let me tell ya, they are gorgeous!

See? I told you they were pretty. :) I designed them myself with my handy-dandy Photoshop Elements software and uploaded them right to their site. I ordered premium cards with UV coating to make them nice and shiny. And shiny they are. I feel like such a big girl now!

I'll be back in a few days to share all kinds of yummy photos of my stock. Hope you're having a great week!

P.S. If you like what you see here, I'd love it if you'd share!


Happy Veterans Day

...to my brother {middle} and all of the other men and women who have, are and will selflessly serve our county.

Thank you!

P.S. If you like what you see here, I'd love it if you'd share!


Wordless Wednesday - New Hat

P.S. If you like what you see here, I'd love it if you'd share!


A Wizardly Halloween

Hello, hello? Is anyone out there? So sorry for the recent silence around here! I have been sewing my fingers to the bone to prepare for a holiday craft show. The show is only six weeks out, so I've been taking every spare moment {like I have a lot of those, with two little people under foot} to crank out as many products for the show as possible. More on that later though, this post is about Halloween.

Sharing our Halloween photos with you all was something that just couldn't be put off.  My daughter is in love with the Wizard of Oz and even puts on little shows for us by singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow and can often be seen skipping around singing We're Off to See the Wizard.

So, her costume was a no-brainer this year. She would be Dorothy. I made her costume for a total of I think $3. I didn't have the time to make a lion costume for my son, so his was a Target special. Mine and my husbands costumes were thrown together at the last minute with poster board, burlap and felt. Everyone we encountered loved our costumes, but most importantly, the kids had a blast! Enjoy!

Hope you all had a fantastic Halloween! I'll try not to be so scarce this month! :)

P.S. If you like what you see here, I'd love it if you'd share!

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