

Oh, my poor neglected blog (again). I just can't seem to muster up the energy to do much of anything lately. I have clean laundry in piles all over the living room, toys covering the floor, a long list of handmade Christmas gifts to make and worst of all, a neglected blog. I figured it was time to clue you all in to what is keeping my fingers from typing lately.

Hubby and I found out somewhere around Halloween time that we are expecting another baby! So, there it is, my legitimate, exciting, I'm-milking-every-minute-of it excuse. :) I'm about 11 weeks pregnant, and still suffering from the first trimester lack of energy. Hence, the reason I haven't blogged about my craft show, the lights festival that we attended, thanksgiving, or black friday. Please accept my sincere apologies, as I've been busy growing a human! Now, can someone please pass me a pickle?

Here's the little bean in all of his or her glory at about 6 weeks.

P.S. If you like what you see here, I'd love it if you'd share!


Cori said...

Awww, congratulations!!!! I remember having no energy for craftiness.
I hope you have a wonderful 9 months.

Monica Gee said...

YAY!! I am so excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ryah!! Nice to see you again on blogosphere. Congrats on your pregnancy!!

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